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Quine Mc Cluskey

2 January 2004, updated 3 May 2016, edited by Tinu
(Translations: Deutsch)


This program simplifies digital circuits analog to the Karnaugh-Veith graphs. Using an implementation of the numeric Quine Mc Cluskey method digital circuits with up to 16 inputs and outputs can be processed. The result of the calculations can be printed as formula, truth table or as schematics. A description may be found in the premininary version of the English online documentation. Translation of this document is still to be completed but I put it here anyway.

A screenshot of the user interface is shown on the left.

System requirements:

 Version 3.36: Windows8 (64bit). This version is functionally identical to 3.34.

 Version 3.34: Windows XP/Vista. At least one printer needs to be configured.

Not listed Windows versions are untested.

Current version 3.36

Quine Mc Cluskey 3.36
for Windows8 (64bit)

Version 3.34

Quine Mc Cluskey 3.34
Handbuch (Deutsch)
für Quine Mc Cluskey 3.34. Diese Datei ist im Installer ebenfalls enthalten.
Manual (English)
for Quine Mc Cluskey 3.34 (DRAFT). This version is an incomplete, but usable translation of the German manual. This file is also contained in the installer package.


For the display of results the font MS Linedraw is required (selfextracting archive gc0651.exe):

 gc0651.exe from ftp://ftp.microsoft.com
 gc0651.exe from http://www.winsite.com
 gc0651.exe from http://www.google.com

Alternatively, Terminal (XP, SP3) seems also to work.




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updated 3 May 2016